The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC)

The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) is the world authority on chemical nomenclature and terminology, including the naming of new elements in the periodic table; on standardized methods for measurement; and on atomic weights, and many other critically-evaluated data.

A neutral and objective scientific organization, IUPAC was established in 1919 by academic and industrial chemists who shared a common goal – to unite a fragmented, global chemistry community for the advancement of the chemical sciences via collaboration and the free exchange of scientific information. Throughout its long history IUPAC has fulfilled that goal through the creation of a common language and the standardization of processes and procedures.

But IUPAC is about much more than nomenclature and the naming of elements.  We are a leader in the provision of objective scientific expertise for the resolution of critical global issues that involve every aspect of chemistry, all of which have societal impact.  Our scientific work is conducted largely through a formal project system, in which proposals from chemists around the world are peer-reviewed and, if meritorious, are approved and supported. In addition, IUPAC is involved in a wide range of diverse activities that ultimately impact both the chemical profession and  society as a whole. 

For just over a century IUPAC has contributed to the diverse and interdisciplinary field that is chemistry.  We are the catalyst that unites chemists worldwide and we fulfill our mission by fostering sustainable development, providing a common language for chemistry, and advocating the free exchange of scientific information.

We are IUPACInternational and Unique, advancing Pure and Applied Chemistry worldwide!

Emerging from about three years of virtual meetings only, the Bureau gathered in-person in November 2022. Front raw, from left: Christopher Brett (Past President, Portugal), Wolfram Koch (Treasurer, Germany), Ehud Keinan (Vice President, Israel), Javier García Martínez (President, Spain), Mei-Hung Chiu (Taiwan Normal University), Richard M. Hartshorn (Secretary General, New Zealand); middle: Jan Reedijk (Netherlands), Greta Heydenrych (staff), Ghada Bassioni (Egypt) Helle Møller Johannessen (Denmark), Leah McEwen (USA), Zoltán Mester (Canada), Lidia Armelao (Italy), David Shaw (USA), Mary Garson (Australia), Amelia Rauter (Portugal), Christine Luscombe (Japan), Laura McConnell (USA); back: Petr Fedotov (Russia), Marietjie Potgieter (South Africa), Fabienne Meyers (staff), Attila Császár (Hungary), Michelle Rogers (USA). Attending remotely and not present: Hemda Garelick (UK), Gloria Obuzor (Nigeria), Bipul Behari Saha (India), Ken Sakai (Japan), Zhigang Shuai (China), Pierangelo Metrangolo (Italy), Roberto Terzano (Italy), Buxing Han (China), Fran Kerton (Canada), Anna Makarova (Russia), and Jürgen Stohner (Switzerland)